I recently did a top twelve game recommendation for the Wii
U. And while I made the recommendations without getting paid by anyone and did
so because I think it’s a fine console people should try, I’m fully expecting
some kind of reflexive response from people sooner or later about how I didn’t
do a list for the PS4 or the Xbone (I refuse to call it anything else). There’s
a few problems with that…
I don’t own a PS4 or Xbone. As you may not have remembered,
I don’t have extra cash on hand and I don’t yet get paid for doing this blog
(damn you, Google AdSense for not working right). So I can’t do a list of game
recommendations based on personal experience. Likewise, I’m the only one
running the blog, so I can’t just have someone else write it and hope that solves
the problem. So instead of doing a game recommendations list for either Xbone
or PS4, I’ve decided to do a list of “Games I’m most Interested In” list for
the respective consoles. Last time we tackled the Xbone, so I figure we’ll
tackle Sony and the PS4 (Vita too if I find anything of note).
Again, much like last time, we’re only accepting exclusives
for this list if possible. So not multiplatform releases unless we come up
short. In which case, it only counts of the other platform is either Vita or
PC. Also the problem of not having games I’m interested in already out was more
of an issue here than it was on the Xbone. As such, almost the entire list is
made of up games that have not come out and some don’t have a release date.
It’s a shame there isn’t backwards compatibility to let me pad the list out a
bit more with some great PS3, PS2, or PS1 titles. Oh well…
#12 – Firmware - The most popular game on the PS3 because everyone had to play it with every game they got was an instant best seller because of that very reason. It only makes sense that Sony would have more Firmware ready to go with the new generation of consoles and it'd be a damn shame if we didn't get more of that going this generation as well. I still think the best parts of Firmware involve the long hours of waiting for a game to be installed before I can play it so I can rethink all the life decisions I've made. Sadly, it's unclear if we'll get Firmware for PS4 with the improved downloading system and update system. But I'll keep my fingers crossed.
#11 – Unkarted: Drake-Neck Speed – I love kart racers and
Mario is dominating this market because the only other people to try and
compete in recent memory would be the LittleBigPlanet
guys. Now, I didn’t quite care for LBP
all that much, I thought it was okay, but wasn’t a great platformer. But an Uncharted racing game is needed to keep
up with Naughty Dog tradition. Clearly it’s in the works because look who we’re
talking about here. Not to mention Sony doesn’t ever seem to come up with its
own ideas and generally likes taking them from others (see motion controls). So
why not attempt to compete with Mario again in the Kart-Racing Scene? We're all obviously clamoring for this to happen! Speaking
of which…
#10 – Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale 2: Electric
Boogaloo – It’s safe to say that PS-All-Stars
was not a great game, but certainly not a bad game. It had many flaws that
showcased just how much lesser of a Smash-Bros-Style fighter it was in comparison
to the original Smash Bros. But it
was a valiant attempt I would love to see Sony try and cobble together again.
Maybe don’t require using easily-predictable super moves to lose a life or
score a point so the games don’t end up lasting fifteen fucking minutes after
everyone in a group of four is dead and we’ve brought it down to the final two.
Also, balance it out so that Kratos isn’t as big a killing machine as he is in
his actual games or no one will want to play.
#09 - Yakuza 5 (Western Release) - While Sony doesn't have any control over the Yakuza franchise, it being a SEGA property, I remain on the side of right when I say this game and others like it demand a localized release. Nintendo pulls this shit with games like Captain Rainbow and formerly Fire Emblem. And we'll never see Mother 3 on our shores ever because Westerners don't appreciate how good Earthbound was. Fans appreciated Yakuza and demand more. SEGA is just lazy and won't localize it. But the game we need... not just the one we deserve. Wait... oh. They announced it was getting localized? I guess this isn't a joke-entry anymore now is it?
#08 – Bayonetta 2 – Clearly Bayonetta is one of the best
games ever and Platinum, in their infinite wisdom, will release the game on
other consoles at some point. If they didn’t that would be insane. How do they
expect it to sell as a Wii U exclusive? Give it a year and I’m sure they’ll convince
Nintendo to let it happen. After which, we’ll probably see Link and Mario do
iPhone games and I’m sure Smash Bros
will go multi-platform to include characters like the Master Chef from Helo and Kratos from God of Whore. Just wait and see you
But I guess that ruins my main point/joke. As much as I want the PS4 to be a console I'd like to buy, there really isn't anything worthwhile on it for me. I can say the same about the Xbone, but I actually managed to fill a whole list with games I could conceivably see my self playing at some point or another that are EXCLUSIVELY for that console (mostly). Here, I had to pad out the list with PS3 games and games that don't exist (for Sony consoles anyway). That's the point I'm trying to make is that we're a year into the console generation and, much like the WiiU at this point in its life, the PS4 and Xbone don't have much in the ways of game diversity either. While they're selling more, I question why when there's nothing of interest to offer. Then again, they're getting the multiplatform games while the WiiU is getting scraps. Luckily for me, the stuff I'm more interested in is available on PS3 (save for Bloodborne and I'll figure out something for that... eventually).
If you liked this and want to see more content like it
(ideally with more existing games) then please be sure to like, share, and
subscribe. Hope you enjoyed our romp on other consoles for a bit. Tune in next
week for something hopefully a bit more concrete. Adios.
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