Oct 30, 2014

Majestic Twelve - Horror Films

Last time we did zombie-games. And since I haven’t seen enough zombie movies to make a top 12 for that… what if we just do horror in general since we’re almost to Halloween? What are the best horror movies? Also, Happy Halloween! 

Oct 24, 2014

Majestic Twelve - Witches

So a game I’ve been excited for, for a long time (Bayonetta 2) is FINALLY out for the WiiU (the only console currently worth owning). To that fact, and because Halloween is still approaching, why not do a top 12 featuring the best witches in fiction? No, I have not played all the games or seen all the Japanimes to know all the witches, but here are twelve that I like. So shut up and enjoy. :D 

Oct 21, 2014

Majestic Twelve - Scary Game Locations

Halloween is almost here and what better way to get excited for the scariest and best holiday of the year than by talking about the scariest locations in video games. Since, obviously, I haven’t played them all, these will be the scariest locations in games I have played. If you think you have scarier locations, please go ahead and let us know in the comments. 

Oct 16, 2014

Majestic Twelve - Monsters of Gaming

Monsters are big, scary, and will kill you the minute they get the chance. Fact is you should never leave your home because if you do they will get you. But since monsters aren’t real (or ARE THEY?) you really have nothing to worry about… except serial killers… rapists… spiders… that stalker ex you have… or Magneto (assuming you’re not a mutant). But what monsters in games are the biggest, baddest, and scariest? Here’s a top twelve list that sure to tell you exactly what. 

Oct 14, 2014

Majestic Twelve - The Zombie Games

Brains? BRAINS! Brains? Zombies are, unfortunately, one of the most popular things in pop-fiction at the moment. I understand why, but when are things going to loop back to dinosaurs again? Velociraptors seem way more threatening than zombies. Hell, T-Rexes would be nightmare-fuel. Regardless, the new season (of the TV show) Walking Dead just dropped on AMC. So let’s discuss the 12 best zombie-games. Note this is games with zombies as the main enemy. Not just games with zombies added in. So no Saints Row, Yakuza, or Red Dead

Oct 10, 2014

BulletPoints: Smash Bros 3DS: You Probably Already Bought It

I already did a first impressions from the demo and I know a review of the game is absolutely pointless. No matter what negative reviews exist for it, if you have a 3DS already or any inclination to play Smash Bros, regardless of platform or graphics, you will have already bought, beaten, and possibly even returned to Gamestop your copy of Super Smash Bros 3DS before this review has gone up. And while that is probably the case, my goal isn’t to review it and tell you that you shouldn’t buy it. Instead, this is more like a review explaining what I like and don’t like and why I’m ultimately more interesting in the WiiU offering scheduled for later this year. There’s your preface, now segway into the “review”. 

Oct 7, 2014

Majestic Twelve - 12 Most Anticipated TV Shows of 2014

The Majestic Twelve returns with another top 12 list. Last week we concluded out celebration of all things Smash Bros (for now). So let’s kick things over to celebrate the new Fall Premier season. There are a lot of interesting shows this year (or starting early next year) that we’re all excited for. Here are twelve that we’re looking forward to most. Some of these are new, and some are returning so we get a nice mix of both.

Oct 2, 2014

Majestic Twelve: Worst Fighters of Smash Bros.

Smash Bros 3DS launches tomorrow for us Americans and to celebrate, we’re continuing out Majestic Twelve Tribute to the franchise with the WORST characters of the series. Much like our last post, this isn’t solely based on competitive play, but what characters I personally find fun, unique, or interesting (or in this case, a lack of these three traits). With that said, let’s see what the worst characters from the series to date: