Jan 30, 2015

BulletPoints - Moore American Coward?

Had fun with Legend of Korra week? I did too but it’s time to get back to reality. And since I don’t have anything else done for reviews (yet), here’s an additional helping of “BulletPoints” to round the week out. So today will be about films. Specifically the American Sniper controversy over what Michael Moore said, calling snipers cowards. Please note I have yet to see the film. I also don’t have much interest in seeing the film and probably won’t, so please don’t expect a review of the film. 

The reason why is because I’m honestly burnt out on Middle-Eastern-based movies regarding the War on Terrorism. Honestly, any military-themed film (non-comedy) has gotten to a point where I just don’t care. This isn’t an anti-military opinion or anything. Just that I feel the market is saturated with military-themed movies like how some people believe the market is oversaturated with comicbook movies. Different strokes for different folks and if you disagree, fine. Just don’t confused my lack of interest with hatred for movies about our military because I don’t hate the military or the films about them. Just… not interested is all.

But let’s get on to Michael Moore, whose opinion is clearly very different from my own. Michael more went to Twitter to discuss his opinions on not the film the or the protagonist of the film. Instead, it was about the roles snipers play in the military in general. He went so far as to call all snipers cowards who will shoot you in the back from afar and not give a fair fight. I’m hoping most of us can see this comment for the flame-bait attention seeking bullshit that it is… But in case you can’t… let’s break down the issues with this comment.

First, you don’t pick a fight with people in the military. You don’t have to agree with what they’re fighting for. You don’t have to agree with the violent actions they have to take. You don’t have to agree with anything our military ultimately does. But don’t take your disagreements and problems out on the military personnel who are only doing their jobs as mandated by the government. Instead, take your issues up with the politicians who make the wars happen in the first place or the people who fire the first shot in the foreign country (whether it be us or them).

Second, calling just “snipers” out for being cowards overlooks SO MANY factors when it comes to war and it’s easy to see just how short-sighted Michael Moore’s comment really is. Are you aware that in the Vietnam war, you would have people hiding in mud and water for sneak-attacks from behind? Are you aware that in both Vietnam and in the Middle East that the enemies used children and women to attack unsuspecting American soldiers? Hell, our current venture into the Middle East started because some maniac decided to throw four planes at us, two of which hit a building with millions of people inside. And we’re going to stop and call snipers cowards in light of all this?

Third, when has Michael Moore been relevant in the modern day conversation? When was the last time he made a movie? When was the last time a movie he made was even remotely good? Why do his comments really matter to us right now when he is one of the more irrelevant pieces of the entertainment industry? I say entertainment because I’d be hard pressed to call his work “documentaries” when the information in them is speculative at best and blatant lies and bullshit at worst. Thought I’m also hard pressed to call what he does entertainment since you have to be entertaining to be considered an entertainer who makes entertainment.

And there you have it. Michael Moore is an irrelevant idiot who is picking fights with the wrong people for attention. You can’t say it doesn’t work. I mean… we’re talking about him here and now. So I guess you can say he’s won. He won a pyrrhic victory, but I guess a win is a win. Congratulations you insufferable piece of shit. Step up to the podium to take your Nobel Idiot Prize for most flamebaity comment on Twitter. Just be sure to turn it in next week when I’m sure Charlie Sheen or Kanye West will earn it back.

Wow. I ended that fast than I thought. And since I refuse to turn this into a sports-based blog and talk about the Patriots (because, seriously, who cares?), let’s find another topic to discuss and have it be brief.

For those wondering where I’ve been, at the time of writing, I’ve been on a two-week stretch of non-stop work for my job. This has severely cut into my writing, editing, gaming, and posting time. On the plus side, I’m making money to be able to afford a place. On the downside, I haven’t had any time to actually look at places to move to and see what’s available and what actually looks good. As such, the video-portion of our blog will be delayed until such time has become available. This pisses me off as much as it probably does you because that’s stuff I really want to start working on.

That being said, we do have some special content coming soon that we’re hoping to make into a regular thing again very soon. I just need time to finish putting it together (possibly this weekend). As for where the reviews have been… yeah. That’s because I haven’t had a chance to finish a new game, see a new movie, or finish up a new TV show. I’m still trying to finish Dark Souls 2 and Shovel Knight. But next on my list (which was GTAV for PC) is now likely Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3DS or possibly South Park: Stick of Truth. For a spoiler-ish review, I really do enjoy Dark Souls 2 and Shovel Knight and my goal is to TRY and finish them so I can give a complete review rather than stopping and saying “what I’ve played is decent enough for a review”.

Regular content should be back within the next week or two (if it hasn't resumed already). Again, I apologize for the sudden hiatus. I don’t like doing it, but life gets in the way. And when this is all a one-man operation at the moment, it’s really hard to make up for that. I wish I was a part of a bigger group working on this or that I had the money to pay people to help keep up on the content, but I don’t. And, unfortunately, I won’t probably for a while. So… yeah. Please bear with us a bit longer while we get this all sorted out.

Thanks for reading. Please like, share, comment and subscribe if you enjoyed our little rant against Michael Moore… and we’ll see you next time.  

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