Aug 17, 2015

Reloading - The Flash (Ah ha! Savior of the universe!)

Welcome back to Reloading Reviews where today I’m going to try and tackle reviewing a TV show. I normally don’t because the idea of condensing my thoughts of 23 episodes (and thus, nearly 20 hours) of content down into one small wall of text that I usually use to cover a 2-3 hour film experience or discuss the depths of a 10-15 hour game’s mechanics and lore. But I’m going to try, damn it. Today I can finally, after nearly a year, give my attention to The Flash. And if you don't like this, check out our other review from this week where I talk about dinosaurs eating people. 

Aug 3, 2015

Reloading - Inkredibles

Time to get another review out of the way and I think this week I’ll finally get around to reviewing Splatoon unless something else happens to keep me from doing so. If this is online, obviously nothing happened, but feel free to imagine me looking around for some kind of “review attacker” who is trying to keep me from posting this. Let’s get this show on the roller!