Jul 1, 2015

BulletPoints - The New World of Rainbows and Unicorns

Welcome back to BulletPoints and today I had probably planned some kind of video-game based topic or movie topic to discuss. However something big in the political sphere has occurred and it’s worth talking about. It’s a big step for the United States and possibly mankind as a whole. It’s the fact that homosexual marriage (now just marriage) is in fact a legal thing nationwide as decreed by the federal level of government. I’m not gay myself but I fully respect the right of people who are to finally celebrate their love in a way equal to any other couple and pay higher income taxes because of it. But, that being said, there are people who are against this notion. I’m not here to tell them they’re wrong. I’m here to talk them off their ledge and hopefully get them to see the world isn’t going to Hell and they’re just going to have to learn to accept the changes taking place.

First off let me ask you a question. You live in a neighborhood and there’s a couple five houses down. You never really talk to them and you maybe see them in passing once every other day (at most). You don’t really shop in the same places or work in the same places. Their names are Adam and Eve (to keep the names simple for our biblical folks to follow) and they’re about to be married. Does their potential engagement affect your life in any way, shape, or form? No, not at all. That’s a ridiculous question.

Same scenario, but let’s say the people in this example are now Adam and Steve. You still barely see them in the neighborhood, never at work or shopping ,and generally have no connection with them other than you live within a mile of them and would never know they exist (realistically speaking). They’re a gay couple planning to marry. Does their potential engagement affect your life in any way, shape, or form? If you said yes, can I ask how? Or why?

That’d be like if I told you a man next door to you was a vigorous masturbator, but you never knew because there was never any indication that he had porn to wank to or even heard him performing the self-satisfying act. His wanking doesn’t affect you in any way. You just don’t like to know other people wank and you don’t like to know other people are actually homosexual. But fact is they do and they are but doing so doesn’t change your life in any realistic way. All that said, let’s get to the heart of the issue here.

The main issue is that this goes against the word of “THE BIBLE” somehow. I’ve never read the bloody thing, so I can’t say whether it does or not. I’m not going to make specific quotes to prove or disprove my point. But I can say this, I don’t trust whatever “THE BIBLE” could tell me. Yes, it’s a large book of moral-lesson-based stories designed roughly 1800 years ago to teach kids how to be a good person with some all-powerful “god fearing” stuff to keep them from getting too cocky.

In its original print, “THE BIBLE” was not written in English. Depending on which version of “THE BIBLE” you want to consider “the original. There’s the Hebrew version (Old Testament) originating with the Jewish people (which are where the Christian faith technically comes from). There’s also the first Christian-specific New Testament version of “THE BIBLE” and it’s original language was that of Koine Greek. But neither of these were directly translated to English right away. In fact, English as we know it today didn’t even exist yet. It was translated to many languages before English include (and probably not limited to) Latin, French, German, Old English (which is nuts), and various Mediterranean languages I won’t get into here.

I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the process of translating documents at all. But let’s take MODERN DAY Japanese and MODERN DAY English. Just between TWO languages alone, lots of things become lost in translation due to slang, idioms, and just archaic words that fade away over the course of decades. Certain concepts, sentence structures, and phases DO NOT translate from one language to another properly. And we’re talking about a book written by a collection of different authors who may have had their own agendas in mind when writing the original book. And that’s ignoring the possibility the various translators didn’t have their own agenda during the process. Words and phrases may have been changed to better reflect the church’s stances at the time of writing, making it impossible to determine just how accurate the current-day version of “THE BIBLE” truly is to the original intended words from the original text centuries ago.

So if whether or not “THE BIBLE” says that homosexuality is a sin is irrelevant. Fact is, I can’t take a single word of that book as truth or as sound advice to live life by because it’s simply unreliable in its production. To me, “THE BIBLE” is just a book someone wrote centuries ago that people have taken way too seriously, in the same vein as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Spider-Man. And at least Spider-Man kept its moral lessons simple with the whole “Great Power – Great Responsibility” thing.

Of course, the other argument that always gets brought up that really grinds my gears is that “God” hates homosexuals and that they’ll burn in Hell for their sinful ways. And, fine, believe that if you want. But there are two problems I see with it that everyone stating this fact seems to be ignoring. First of all, Jesus and “God” were technically the same thing / person (as is my understanding of the story anyway). And Jesus always preached about loving thy neighbor and treating people with kindness and respect. Ergo, I have a hard time believing this supposed “God” hates anyone for their lifestyle unless they choose to be the next Hitler or something.

But more to the point, you say God will punish these people in the afterlife. If that’s something you TRULY believe, then why make their life a living Hell now? Why deny them the right to enjoy their supposed “sinful” life the way they want? You have no right to pass judgment on these people and condemn them to Hell. That’s your God’s job, not yours or mine or anyone else’s. If you are correct (which I don’t believe you are) then “God” will deal with homosexual people in the afterlife and you can life your afterlife happy that you were right all along.

But since YOU are not dead (at least I hope not, or that’d be weird) and there are still plenty of homosexual people alive, can I ask one thing? Can you please treat these people like people and give them the slightest modicum of respect? I get you don’t understand their lifestyle and are afraid of it. That’s perfectly fine, you don’t have to understand it or get it. People don’t fully understand or get why I love video games so much, but I don’t let their hate or disrespect keep me from enjoying them. People didn’t fully understand African-American people for the longest time (for some reason) but that didn’t stop African-Americans from living, developing their own sub-culture within the American-culture, and branching out and doing big things around the country (and world). This is kind of the moral lesson taught by the X-Men. People fear what they don't understand and they act like violent and irrational people. But were the X-Men bad people? Maybe Morph, but otherwise, no. 

Basically, what I’m saying is get off your holy-fucking-high-horse and stop using “THE BIBLE” and “THE WORD OF GOD” as weapons to attack people who just want to live their lives in the ways they feel most comfortable. From what I understand, “THE BIBLE” is also meant to teach us how to respect one another, love each other, and basically be good people. But when I see people telling other people they are not allowed to show their love for one another, I don’t see good people. I don’t see respect. And I don’t see the same love “THE BIBLE” supposedly teaches. I just see hate, fear, and disgusting behavior from people acting like their world got flip-up-turned-upside-down.

And, besides, the SCOTUS ruling only affects the legal “CIVIL MARRIAGES” and not the church’s decisions to perform marriage ceremonies for homosexual couples. It’s not like your sacred houses of holy hypocrisy will be forced to deal with the taint of homosexuals kissing and marrying at your altars. They can just go down the bloody courthouse and get all they need. Plus who needs the ceremony when you can put that money towards your first house or first baby coming in? So, as I said previously, this SCOTUS ruling will not affect your lives in the slightest unless you go out of your way to LET IT affect your lives. So be a goddamned adult and just live your life the way you have and you probably won’t notice any changes whatsoever.

And that’s really all I have to say on the matter. Marriage Equality was a brilliant thing when it dealt with Civil Rights (race-specific) and now it’s just as brilliant with the sexuality equality kicking in. It’s a sign that, yes, we can change and grow and become more accepting of the lifestyles of other people. Many of us have yet to learn this lesson, and, if current racist topics in the news have taught us anything, it’ll be a long time before said people will learn the latest lesson. But I’m done with serious topics because now I’m going to go to the house next door to you and vigorously masturbate without you even knowing about it, just out of spite and insanity. See you next time for more BulletPoints and if you enjoyed today’s post, be sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe. See you next time!   

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