With Smash Bros 4
around the corner and the demo now available widely to EVERYONE, I thought I’d
have some fun with today’s topic. As some may know, some characters have been
cut from the roster. And while this genuinely upsets people, I like to poke fun
of the situation by making fun little stories for the series. As such, here are
my stories for why some characters were cut and why others were able to make
returns. None of these are obviously serious, but do try to enjoy. :D
#1 – Nana Not Coming Back
Once, a time ago, the Ice Climbers were a proud pair of
siblings (Popo and Nana). For many years they fought alongside each other to
either save the Arctic or to battle among the greats in Smash Bros. But some
odd twenty years have passed and Nana noticed she isn’t getting any younger
(though, being a fictional character, not any older either). That said, she
couldn’t help but notice that all her time was spent in the shadow of her
brother (she wasn’t even the playable climber in Smash Bros). She looked on in envy as other gaming heroines
performed amazing feats and were generally touted as some of the most amazing
characters to exist (Samus, Bayonetta, Peach, Rosalina, Zelda, Clementine, Lara
Croft, and Chell among many others). Tired of living this pathetic Luigi-like
existence, she left a note for her dear brother and departed off without another
word to find her own path and make it on her own.
Popo was, understandably scared of this change. Never before
had he been alone. Never before had he been forced to fight alone. And they had
just received the invite to join the roster for Smash Bros 4. Popo was in a panic. He turned to Sakurai’s
right-hand man, Kirby. Popo explained to Kirby the situation and how he still
wanted to participate in the Smash-Bros event, but he didn’t think he could
without his sister and that he needed a new teammate or he would not be a part
of the roster this year. Kirby, being the ever clever ball of pink that he was,
devised a plan quickly and made Popo an offer that his desperation wouldn’t
allow him to refuse.
Moments later, Kirby, alone, bursts into Sakurai’s office.
Kirby asks if Sakurai had ever been a fan of X-Men. When asked why, Kirby
mentioned the story arc where Rouge stole the powers of Ms. Marvel permanently
in exchange for the life of Ms. Marvel. When asked why that was important.
Kirby then admitted he ate Popo… and didn’t spit him out. He dissolved in Kirby’s
stomach acid and he became one with Kirby. Now Kirby can perform the Ice-Breath
power at will, but now the Ice Climbers were basically unable to be in Smash
and they had to explain Kirby’s new power.
Sakurai decided the best solution was to just say they’d cut
Ice Climbers from the game and they’d cut other characters from the roster as
well to make it look like it was no big deal. As for the sudden new moves, he
would just create a game mechanic in which players can customize the movesets,
allowing one of Kirby’s alternate moves to be the ice breath. And now you know
why Ice Climbers are gone and why the alternate moves were added to the game.

Lucas went to the only person who he felt could understand
his pain… Ness. He went to Ness and asked him what to do and how to deal with
all the hate and negativity he’d been receiving. He would love to participate
in Smash 4, but not if it meant dealing with all of the animosity again. Ness
heard his story… but he had something else on his mind. He still hadn’t
forgotten when Lucas left him to die at the hands of Wario in the story mode
for Brawl. He remembers how Lucas
basically stole all of Ness’ moves. He also never was a fan of sharing the Earthbound spotlight with a character
that never made it out of Japan. Ness was special and Lucas’ existence was a
threat to Ness.
But Ness couldn’t just kill Lucas. He wanted to, but he
couldn’t. However, he did have an idea… one he stole from 4Chan.
He told Lucas that he should kill himself. If no one
appreciated his existence and that he didn’t feel happy with life while Smash Bros was a thing, he ought to just
end his life and not make it an issue ever again. As long as Smash existed, there’s always the chance
Lucas could return in either a future title or even DLC. Hesitant to accept
this seemingly horrible idea, Lucas eventually gave in and accepted this was
probably his best solution. Before Lucas left, Ness asked if he could maybe get
Lucas’ moveset in his will. Believing Ness to be the only one who cared about
him, Lucas agreed to do this for the one person he considered to be a true
friend and then left into the night.

(Please Note, this was not an attempt to make suicide funny. More just pointing out how evil the internet can be to people who are easily down on themselves. Cheers).
#3 – Wolf Among Us

Solid Snake had been ordered by Sakurai and Kirby to looking into these villain meetings and get intel on the situation. He reported back to Sakurai with this intel on the blackmail of Ness. Snake left, leaving Kirby and Sakurai to discuss what to do next. Both agreed that Ness did a bad thing, but because of his long time veteran status, Wolf would be the one cut instead and they would just say it was because he was spreading vicious rumors about other contenders. Both also agreed to cut Snake because they feared he would soon found out about the fate of the Ice Climbers as well. So they called up some mercenaries to take out these supposed problems.
Fox eliminated Wolf… taking his blaster and Wolf-Flash
device. This is why Fox has alternate moves similar to Wolf. Meanwhile, Sheik
was hired to eliminate Snake. This is now why Sheik uses grenades. And this is
how both characters were cut from the roster. And now you know… the rest of the
Tune in next time when I attempt to tell more slightly offensive stories to why certain smashers were cut and others came back to kick butt. Until then, see ya next time and keep on smashing.
Tune in next time when I attempt to tell more slightly offensive stories to why certain smashers were cut and others came back to kick butt. Until then, see ya next time and keep on smashing.
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