Sep 23, 2014

Majestic 12 - Best and Worst of Avatar: The Last Airbender

Recently, I was turned to the Nostalgia Critic for a top 11 worst episodes of all time for Avatar: Last Airbender, with the caveat that none of the episodes are necessarily “bad” but just not as good as the others. Regardless, I feel he made some adequate points on some (like Great Divide or Painted Lady) but less adequate points on others The Swamp or Boiling Rock). That said, a top 11 best episodes will be out soon (likely before this goes live). In the spirit of all things Avatar while waiting for the final season of Legend of Korra to release, let’s give my Top 12 Best AND Worst in one post (in lieu of a review). 

Much like the Nostalgia Critic, none of the “bad” episodes listed are absolutely horrid. They just don’t live up to the same standards as the ones on the “good” list or the show in general. And, again, this is just my personal opinion. You’re more than welcome to disagree… and be wrong. Let’s start:

Best #12: The Waterbending Scroll – There are a lot of episodes I wanted to put on this list and ultimately had to cut to make room for a well-rounded list. And I wanted to make sure Book 1: Water had at least one episode from it on the list… This is that one. I don’t hate the first season, but it’s the season where the pacing was most awkward and the animation (while good) was still rough in comparison to the later episodes. But looking past all that, Waterbending Scroll was one of the best episodes of that season for giving Katara an episode where she has a fair amount of agency and isn’t being overly preachy and annoying. It also gives us some of the best lines from Uncle Iroh and was the episode that cemented my love of that character. Plus this episode almost plays like a Team-Rocket-Style comedy of errors for the villains that I love so much and we don’t really see much of past season one. All-in-all, makes the list because it’s one of the fun ones from season 1.

Worst #12: Sozin’s Comet Part 1: The Phoenix King – The finale of the series is, by far, one of the best episodes of the series (with one part making both lists). The weakest of the three makes the worst list. And that’s a shame because, in a lot of ways, I really do like this episode. But looking back on it, I’m reminded of just how childish these main characters really are and how ill-prepared they seemed to be prior to the final battle. So much so, that I agree with Zuko as to asking how they ever thought they were capable of defeating the Fire Lord at all. Not to mention we learn of the Fire Lord’s real plan and I have to wonder WHY Zuko didn’t bother telling anyone. There are a lot of logic holes here that don’t quite hold up until you consider the fact that most of the cast are still kids. BUT given all the adventures and trials they’ve gone through, making them more mature and adult than you’d initially believe… yeah, I refuse to take that as an excuse. Again, not a bad episode, just a rather weak one.

Best #11: Sozin’s Comet Part 2: The Old Masters – It was a tough call for this episode. It was originally making this list when it was just a Top 10 list, but I had to drop it for a variety of reasons. But as a Top 12, this is one of the best episodes of the finale. Yes, it lacks the action of parts 3 and 4, but it gives me a few things that I was very happy to have. It gave us the return of General Iroh and the White Lotus. It gave me the return of Bumi AND his amazing flashback story of how he retook Omashu (if not for this, one of the other Bumi episodes would have been here). Plus the forming of the plan for saving the world and what everyone’s roles had to be was a good moment too. On top of that, Aang’s scenes on the Lion Turtle, while not exciting, were interesting as we hadn’t seen him get in touch with other past lives beyond Roku much before. This is a feature I would love to have seen more from Aang, but at least we got to see it at all. Fun episode and definitely deserving of a spot on this list. The whole finale does, but if I can only pick one episode from it, this will be the one.

Worst #11: The Cave of Two Lovers – I was rather hesitant to put this on the list. I’m a sucker for romance (yeah, I know). And with characters like Aang and Katara, their relationship almost works enough where, yeah, I like watching it unfold. The bad thing, it’s not interesting. At least not when you compare it to Zuko and May, Sokka and… everyone, or Korra and Asami (you know it’s happening). You know how in other shows (Naruto is a good example) you really aren’t interested in the personal problems of the protagonist because THEY ARE THE PROTAGONIST so they’ll always be successful or win or get the girl? Yugi always won the duels and still managed to keep Tea around. Naruto would always fight Sasuke but has both Hinata and Sakura interested in him. Batman is always recluse but Catwoman keeps coming back. Don’t get me started on Spidey and Black Cat. And this relationship in Airbender is so sterile and bland that it really comes off as the most lackluster relationship I can think of in the series. I mean, if Katara would dress more like Black Cat from Spiderman or if Aang did more stupid shit to make the relationship seem like a bad idea, then MAYBE I would be more interested due to sexiness or controversy. As it stands, we know it’ll happen and we don’t need to throw in random dudes to compete with or forced scenarios where the two have problems but then fall through hoops of romance tropes. All that said, I still like this episode because it’s cheesy romance. Just not to the quality I would prefer… still better than Twilight.

Best #10: The Storm – The only other Book 1: Water episode to make the list, the storm is a great example of Last Airbender’s best trait, the fact the story isn’t just Aang’s, but Zuko’s as well. Throughout the entire series, the story has two sides and you see them both and this episode highlights that by showing the tragedies that led both our central characters to where they are as this story takes place. We see what caused Zuko to have the scar and why he is forced to hunt down the Avatar. We see why Aang was frozen and how the 100 Years War could, arguably, be his fault. And while more episodes on this list will discuss this topic again, the idea of the parallel story dynamic is wonderful and fits well for this episode.

#10 Worst: The Guru – The concept of this episode is interesting and I very much like what it’s trying to do. My bigger issue with it is the ease at which Aang progresses through the multiple layers of unlocking his chakras. Maybe it’s because the season was pressed for time so things were cut together for time. But I would like to have seen Aang go through more challenges and turmoil in the process of unlocking these chakras instead of sitting for what seemed like only a couple of minutes and then “poof” you unlocked a chakra. Again, not a bad episode, but one that gave me the feeling it was cut down to make room for the side stories and fit into the season schedule. Which is a shame because this also gave us the moment when Toph creates Metal Bending… Wish I didn’t have to put this on the list, but Toph simply couldn’t redeem this one.

#9 Best: The FireBending Masters­ – The first episode in which Aang and Zuko consciously team up to improve their ability to Firebend. This episode really sits well for me because it helps show Zuko’s growth as he wants to overcome the emotions that he uses to trigger his firebending. Likewise, it shows Aang’s growth in regards to his fear of firebending. It also shows us living dragons as well as giving us a cool story about the origins of firebending, what happened to the dragons, and we even end on a fun scene of Zuko and Aang being mocked for the Dancing Dragon display. By no means a perfect episode, it does just enough right to keep me happy with it.

#9 Worst: Jet – I hate to agree with the critic here, but Jet’s character is rather two-dimensional. There isn’t much to him and his imitation Robin-Hood-Band. Which is a shame because this episode sets him up to be so much more. Instead, he plays a role more in line with the wrench in the AangxKatara relationship (a wrench we know won’t last long). As such, I had to put in on the list because while most characters in the series get some decent characterization, Jet has always felt weak to me overall.

#8 Best: The Desert – I’m sure someone will complain about how low on the list I made this one. But I stand by this decision because while it’s one of the most fun episodes in the series solely because Sokka tripping on cactus juice is one of the most memorable moments of the entire series… it makes this episode also have a strange juxtaposition. Yes, we have the fun goofy-Sokka antics taking place. But we also have the serious emotional response from Aang in regards to the loss of Appa as well as Katara’s growing frustration in the situation on how neither Aang nor Sokka are really making this journey to escape the desert any easier. But that juxtaposition, I think, also helps make the story interesting to watch as it walks the fine line between comical stupidity and heartfelt moments with Aang’s legitimate rage at what’s happened. All-in-all, one of the best episodes, no matter how you look at it. Even better on cactus juice.

#8 Worst: The Fortuneteller – This was an episode I was conflicted on because there are some genuinely great moments here worth discussing. But, on the flip side, it also has one of the most disappointing endings for an episode I can think of. Funny, sure, but the face-palm kind of funny where you want to laugh but because of just how dumb the situation is. For those who don’t remember, Fortuneteller is an episode where Team Avatar goes to a villager where everyone believes every omen told by the village fortuneteller (still with me on this one?). She predicts the village won’t be destroyed but then the nearby volcano threatens to destroy it. Team Avatar saves it, despite the fact that no one believes they’ll be killed by the lava flow. As a result, everyone is safe. Though everyone believes it’s the work of the fortuneteller for predicting the village wouldn’t be destroyed, failing to learn the lesson they can’t rely on her to always be right because if they hadn’t been there, she’d be wrong… and dead. In short, I dislike this episode for the lack of a lesson learned by the character who needed to learn the lesson and, while the jokes were fun, this episode felt like an overall waste of time for the heroes. Again, not bad, but not great.

#7 Best: The Ember Island Players – Season three is going to get a lot of episodes on this list because it has some of the best episodes and this one is probably one of the best ones. This episode functions as the “Clip Show” for the series, catching audiences up to what’s happened in a comical way just before the final battle. The trick is rather than actually being a clip show of old episodes, the entire series is played out in the form of a stage play while the heroes watch. But since the play is done by Fire Nation actors… there’s obviously some creative interpretation on Aang’s journey and how it will end. Ultimately, it’s one of my favorite episodes for the jokes and humor, being a functionally superior clip show compared to other series, and for allowing Katara to be a voice of reason in telling Aang their relationship isn’t worth pursuing at the moment. Also, Toph… because it sounds like “tough.”

#7 Worst: Daydreams and Nightmares – This is one I debated putting on, but my issue with it is fairly straightforward. The episode is about Aang having issues sleeping or relaxing during the time before the Day of the Black Sun in which he will lead a large-scale assault on the Fire Nation and defeat the Fire Lord while he has no bending (ultimately failing, but whatever). As such, Aang has nightmares when he tries to sleep that he will fail. And while this is a problem I could imagine him having, it doesn’t quite work. A lot of the jokes aren’t all the way there and play out like your trope-heavy stress dreams of not wearing pants or forgetting homework would. And these don’t work (for me anyway) as a stress-dream for Aang… a kid who never actually attended school and has been in several stressful situations already (some more so than this because he was alone). Again, not bad, but I don’t think it works as intended.

#6 Best: Bitter Work – Yes, I do like the episodes where Aang picks up the tricks of the bending trade. And the episode where Toph teaches Aang is the best of the three. You learn the very specific differences between bending types and how certain people are more capable of a kind of bending than others. Plus we get to see some fun Earthbending moments from Toph in general. We also can’t forget all the fun moments with Sokka… stuck in a whole… craving meat.

#6 Worst: The Waterbending Master – Ironically, the episode in which Aang starts learning about waterbending from a waterbending master is one of the worst episodes of the series. Again, same thinking as Nostalgia Critic, the episode’s whole focus on female empowerment and Katara’s fight for equality falls flat for me. I won’t get into the full argument here, but if you want to watch his video, he sums up the argument rather nicely. Again, I get this would happen and this episode plays out fine. But it’s predictable and isn’t everything it could be. Certainly more surprises or twists would have made the episode more enjoyable overall.

#5 Best: Tales of Ba Sing Se – When it comes to anime or stories in general, filler is something I tend to dislike or avoid. It’s something that just eats time and takes away from the plot. Dragon Ball Z and Naruto are two of the biggest offenders (in my opinion) of utilizing filler in the absolute worst ways possible. That being said, Avatar does have its share of filler episodes and while I never expected to say this, Tales of Ba Sing Se is not only the best of the filler, but among the best of the shows in general. Barring the fact this episode was dedicated to the memory of Iroh’s original voice actor who died shortly after completing Book 2: Earth, this episode is packed of great character building moments and scene of genuinely good emotional connection. We get to see Toph and Katara bond. We get to see Aang solve a minor problem. We get to see Sokka being Sokka (which is always good). But the highlight of this episode (to me) was the scene in which we see Zuko go on a date with a lovely young lady. There are a lot of good, small stories happening here and it was a nice breather episode in between lots of intense moments during the Ba Sing Se story arc. This obviously isn’t one I’d recommend to watch if you’re new to the series because it doesn’t showcase the cool action scenes from the show. But if you want a demonstration on why Avatar is a masterclass of character development, I’d argue few episodes do better than this.

#5 Worst: The Painted Lady – Again, much in line with Nostalgia Critic, this episode is just plain heavy handed in the message it’s trying to beat you over the head with. Pollution is bad and earth is good. And, again, I agree that a show that’s managed to pull that message off subtly throughout the entirety of the series until this episode doesn’t need an episode like this. I get that it seems like every kids show needs an episode where the heroes topple an evil factory that’s killing the environment, but do we really need that? I don’t think so. This reminds me of that weird Transformers G1 episode in which the Autobots and Decepticons battle it out for control of a special energizing pool that ends up destroying the surrounding environment that the pool also fed. Very awkward and heavy-handed. Visually, one of the better Avatar episodes, but we don’t need to be Captain Planet.

#4 Best: The Avatar and the Fire Lord – The strength of Last Airbender is that the show wasn’t just about Aang, it but was very much Zuko’s story too. And no episode of the show demonstrated this concept better than this (except maybe The Storm). The key difference here is that this shows just how connected the lives of Aang and Zuko actually are, beyond tragic backstories. We learn how the 100-Years-War began. We get to see moments of Roku’s time as the Avatar. And we get to hear Iroh tell us a story about how Firelord Azulon screwed over his best friend… perhaps only friend in the world. There’s a lot to take in on this episode, but it basically raises the stakes for the heroes, shows why Zuko needs to team up with Aang and stop his charade, and it gives us more lore to the world. That last one is probably what ends up winning out this choice for me.

#4 Worst: The Beach – This episode was just weird to me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s kinda fun in a bizarre way. But seeing Azula at a party and terrorizing people just felt awkward to me as a whole. I mean, yes, I imagine she would be terrorizing people. But what is awkward to me is I just don’t see her as the party-goer type. Plus the constant back-and-forth “arguments” between Zuko and May were not all that great either. Again, this isn’t really a bad episode, but just kind of weird during a season where things are supposed to be dark and intense until the final fight. But maybe I just set my expectations too high on that one.

#3 Best: The Puppet Master – If you didn’t expect this one to make the list, you’re dead wrong. If there’s anything I love, it’s creepy horror-esque atmospheres and stories. I like horror games (when I can manage to sit through one and play it). I like horror movies. And when Avatar threw a surprising horror-themed episode our way, I couldn’t help but immediately love it. From the “screaming from inside the mountain” to the rumors of a witch kidnapping people, it was all spectacular and, on its own, would have made this list for sure. But securing a top three spot was all because of the new aspect we were introduced to in this episode, BLOODBENDING. It was something that was never presented until now and, honestly, something I never expected or considered to be a possibility. But when it was revealed that powerful waterbenders could bend blood of another person to manipulate them (normally under a full moon) I was immediately in love with the concept. So much so that I’m curious what other abilities could affect parts of the body. Could Firebending be done to cause cells to combust? Could Earthbending be used to turn bones into dust or bend them out of the body? Legend of Korra showed us bending the air out of someone’s lungs and suffocating them. By far, a damn fine episode and one that every top 12 list should have.

#3 Worst: Bato of the Water Tribe – See the Nostalgia Critic video. Yes. Aang being out of character and basically lying to his one friends/family in this new world he was thawed in didn’t make sense for the character and it shouldn’t have happened. Nothing more to add to this conversation.

#2 Best: Zuko Alone – Like I had said many times previously, the story of Avatar is both Aang’s and Zuko’s. An episode with Zuko alone is… well… exactly as the title says. We see an adventure of Zuko’s as he’s separated from Iroh and trying to determine what he ultimately wants. During his travels, he helps a young boy and his family out, who don’t realize he’s Fire Nation, when fending off against a gang of bandits. Seeing Zuko actually help people was something incredibly bizarre when it first aired but, in hindsight, it shows the first step in his eventually change from villain to hero. And this is where the first domino in the line fell. What’s more interesting is how the episode ended with the family turning on him when they realized he could firebend. He didn’t fight back or argue with them. He just left without another word, understanding their fear and hatred. This was the one episode of the season that made us all expect him to turn around at the end of the season and not try to kill Aang… that didn’t end up being the case, but still.

#2 Worst: The Great Divide – While a bad episode, I refuse to acknowledge it as the worst. Yes, it is trope heavy. Yes, Aang lies at the end (which supposedly goes against his character [though it really doesn’t]). And, yes, it’s kinda boring and doesn’t really give the heroes much to do. So let me address the one issue I disagree with. Aang lying supposedly goes against his character. We’re forgetting that this is a kid who enjoys jokes and pranking people (as seen in his various flashbacks and stories). He’s not a bad kid, just a good natured boy who tries to keep things fun. So him lying to get two “warring” tribes to come to peace… yeah… I can totally see that actually happening. What annoys me more is just how much time is wasted watching two tribes of people bicker and argue with one another over virtually nothing. And these are people we never see or hear from in the franchise ever again. Shows just how important this episode ended up being long run, didn’t it?

#1 Best: The Blind Bandit – Honestly, what else could it be? As both a Toph fan and Sokka fan, I got the best of both. This episode is filled with excellent dialogue and lines from Sokka and his insane cheering for The Boulder. But what makes this episode so great is that this is the greatest introduction to a character in basically the history of fiction. We’re introduced to a young girl who we’re told is blind and she goes to fight giant wrestler-like Earthbenders in an underground arena. When we see she not only kicks all their butts, but also can see with Earthbending, it makes for an insanely hysterical and entertaining episode. And when we learn more about Toph and where she’s from, it only makes her that much more compelling. Every episode after this is better solely because she is now a character. And while I get the people who aren’t fans of either Toph or Sokka might not love this episode as much as me… I just have one question… how can you not enjoy two of the best characters in this show? Do you have absolutely no joy in your life?

#1 Worst: Avatar Day – If any episode deserved a spot on the wall of shame for time wasting, it would be Avatar Day. An episode in which Aang is blamed for the crimes of his past life as Avatar Kyoshi and is forced to prove her innocence… only to then be proven guilty when her past life admits to the crime (for some reason). But then the crime is forgiven when Aang decides to save the stupid town from Fire Nation thugs (who are only there for the Avatar anyway). And then, to make matters dumber, the town decides to make Avatar Day a celebration of when Aang saved them this one time instead of their former hate fest. It gives a sense of complete insincerity in their view and the fact they even went through the process of having a “trial” or letting Sokka “investigate” anything (while funny) just seems like a waste of time and resources that no actual city leader would endorse or waste time with. This episode gets the spot for pointless stupidity and nothing more. Avatar Day is the single worst episode of the entire series of Avatar.

And that’s all for the first entry of “The Majestic Twelve.” Future installments will be only the “Best” or “Worst” because this was entirely too long on its own. Next time, with only a week until the release, we’ll try to kick off a Smash Bros related Top 12. See ya next time. 

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