Jun 8, 2015

Reloading - Sinderlla

 Me again. It’s Monday again. I suppose I should get up another review again. This week, let’s do Cinderella… again? 

You know, I never really was all into the original Cinderella story line. Never hated it, but among all the Disney princesses and stories, it was probably my second least favorite just behind Sleeping Beauty. And, interestingly enough, both received live-action remakes recently. 

In 2014, we got Malificent, which retold the story with more emphasis on Malificent’s perspective and how she was wronged from the get-go and that the princess of the story is more of just an innocent by-standard caught in the crossfire between her and the king. Cinderella, on the other hand, is just a retelling of the original story. Granted, it has more details included than I originally remember, but it’s a retelling of the same story you already know with no new perspectives or ideas to make you have a different reaction to the new thing.

This is going to be a short review because the plot is literally the same as the original Cinderella. If you really insist on a recap, then sure. There was a girl who lost both her parents and was left with an evil step-mother and two bitchy step-sisters. One day there was a ball with the Prince of their little town. The girl (Cinderella) was visited by her Fairy Godmother who gave her a new dress, servants, and a stagecoach made of magic and various items found around the house. 

She went to the ball with this disguise and wooed the Prince. But at the stroke of midnight, the magic would be undone, so she left in a hurry to avoid being discovered, resulting in the loss of what I can only imagine is the least comfortable piece of footwear imaginable (glass slipper). The Prince, wanting to find the woman he only just met but is in love with, decides to try the slipper on every female in the kingdom. He eventually finds Cinderella despite all odds of this plan actually working in real life and they live happily ever after.

The differences in the more updated version simply provide more details to help better explain the context of Cinderella’s situation. For example, we establish a better relationship with her parents, making us care about her, the house, and her family more. We also get a better understanding as to why the slipper only fits her and not just anyone who could be the same shoe size. Granted, the answer is “because magic” but it’s still better than not explaining it at all. We also get a bit more backstory to the evil step-mom, but it doesn’t make her more sympathetic. It just further justifies our dislike of her because you’d think she’d learn a lesson from her past instead of just letting it fuel her bitchiness more.

The visual effects are nice, but nothing that hasn’t been seen in the likes of Harry Potter. The acting is all fine, but nothing that stands out all that much. Overall, it’s kind of a mediocre experience that is easily missable with nothing unique or interesting to offer, unlike the bizarre but interesting Malificent. I hope this isn’t a sign that Malificent was a special one-hit-wonder and that all other live-action Disney films to follow will just be retellings with no new twist or spin to them. Because I still want to see Aladdin from the perspective of Jaffar or Little Mermaid from the perspective of Ursula. If I wanted to rewatch the old stories again… I’d just rewatch the movies I already have from my childhood instead of paying to see them again but without Robin Williams playing the beloved genie. My, I’ve gotten off topic here.

Final thoughts? It’s a fine film, but nothing that I’d say you have to really go out of your way to see. It’s nothing really new or revolutionary, but it adds more details to a rather bare-bones plot anyway, which I guess counts for something. But Metroid Other M did that, and we all considered that to be a mistake, so I guess it’s a lesson of pick and choose your battles. If you’re going to try and explain things in a story or give more details to a plot, choose a series or property that doesn’t have such a vocal and established fanbase. Because you won’t please them at all if you fuck it up.

That’s all for this week. Be sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe and we’ll be back with more Reloading. Also be sure to check out the YouTube Channel, Twitter, or Facebook for more updates nearly every day of the week. See ya next time! 

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