Lately I’ve been playing a hell of a lot of XCOM: Enemy Within. And I’ve noticed I
didn’t have content planned for most of this week partly because of that. So
for today’s Highlights, let’s talk
about the planetary defense turn-based strategy game known as XCOM and why we love it so much.
Feb 26, 2015
Feb 25, 2015
BulletPoints - Link to Better Games
When you’re someone who is considered a Nintendo fan, you
have to learn to accept certain things as part of the package deal. You have to
learn you need to overlook the poor naming scheme of the consoles. The names
are only getting worse, and in the way which it becomes harder to find said
device (see New 3DS) online because Google doesn’t fully understand New 3DS
means the new New 3DS console, not just a new 3DS console.
Feb 24, 2015
Majestic Twleve - Favorite Faces From The Simpsons
Lately I’ve been a bit on a Simpsons kick. And while I don’t think I could accurately list all
12 of my favorite episodes (because picking a solid twelve of near 600 episodes
is almost as difficult as picking a solid twelve of near 700 Pokemon) I can
certainly pick characters that I enjoy seeing from time to time. If a character
you like didn’t get mentioned, don’t feel bad, there are plenty I would love to
have listed, but these are the supporting characters (so not the main family)
that I really have enjoyed throughout the series.
Best of,
Comic Book Guy,
edna krabappel,
Fat Tony,
Groundskeeper Willie,
majestic twelve,
Mr. Burns,
Sideshow Bob,
Troy McClure
Trailers On Trial - Blood Running at Sonic Speed
Welcome back to the series where we dismantle and analyze
the latest trailers for game and film, Trailers
or Trial. We’ll be going into a format change here soon. But before we do,
let’s discuss the latest trailers for a couple of upcoming games. This week we
have an actual trailer, not a teaser, for Sonic
Runners and we also have a story-trailer for the much anticipated Bloodborne.
Feb 23, 2015
Reloading - Stupider Ascending?
Children, gather around. It’s time for another review of a
film (because Uncle Aaron still hasn’t gotten his Majora’s Mask for 3DS because Nintendo, Amazon UK, and his credit
card company can’t agree that the transaction was made even though I clearly
did it). Instead of getting a review of a game that’s largely irrelevant,
you’ll be getting a review of Jupiter
Ascending instead… which will largely be irrelevant when this comes out
because it’ll have been two weeks old and very likely out of theaters. Hooray!
Feb 20, 2015
Three-Way Podcast #39 - Big Ol Sausage in the Mouth
This week, the crew discusses Amiibo, racist doughnuts, Monster Hunter, and things that may eventually exist... possibly... Half-Life 3 Confirmed? Tune in for all that and more on our Three-Way Podcast. Tune in next Wednesday for another live-stream attempt.
Feb 19, 2015
Highlights - Portal
Welcome back to Highlights,
the series where we talk about memorable moments from memorable games, movies,
comics, books, shows, and more. Today we’ll do what I’ve wanted to do for a few
posts now, video games. And I think we can all agree this one has memorable
moments worth discussing. Portal.
test chamber,
Feb 18, 2015
BulletPoints: Wall Crawling Menace Co-op'ed by Marvel
A recent news report announced that Spiderman would be
joining the ranks of the Marvel characters in a recent deal construed by Sony
and Marvel. While Fox has yet to weigh in on the issue in regards to X-Men and
the Fantastic Four, we can spend the time speculating on whether this news is
good or not by skimming over some of the relevant facts, of which, we actually
know very little.
Feb 17, 2015
The Majestic Twelve - Custom Character Ideas
This was originally going to be a “Top Twelve” characters I
want to make for Dark Souls. But as I
wrote, I thought, why should I just do my favorite ideas for custom characters
in one game? But then I realized I don’t want to do multiple posts on the topic
because it’s basically just me going on about character ideas without much
context other than that. So here is just a compiled list of my favorite “Create-A-Character”
ideas from a variety of games. Some of them I’ve already attempted to make…
others I am in the process of working on it. Enjoy.
Trailers on Trial - Evolve to Guillermo Del Toro
Welcome back to trailers on trial, where we break down
trailers for games and movies to see what works and what doesn’t. When all is
said and done, we pass a verdict as to whether we buy into the hype of the
trailer or decide it just wasn’t interesting. Today we’ll be discussing Crimson Peak and the launch trailer for Evolve (because why not be somewhat
topical). Enjoy!
Feb 16, 2015
Reloading: Project Almanac (Spoilers)
By the time this review is released, I’m willing to bet the
film has been removed from most theaters in an effort to make as much room for
the 50 Shades of Grey craze that is
all but inevitable. That being said, I wouldn’t do a delayed-review of Project Almanac if I didn’t think it
worth discussion. It’s not a spectacular film and it won’t do anything to rock
your world. But it was actually entertaining and is one of the few “found
footage” films that I can say does a good job with the concept without becoming
a nauseating mess. So, yeah. Rather than talk about 50 Shades, let’s talk about Project
Feb 13, 2015
Three-Way Podcast #38: After Sex Donuts
It's Valentine's Day and we all sound like idiots. We talk about Zelda, Spiderman, Pubic Hair, and things you can do for Valentine's Day, including listening to our lovely podcast (which is embedded below for your convenience).
Feb 12, 2015
Highlights - Earth's Mightiest Moments
In my attempt to fill out the release schedule of posts but
also to add variety, here’s a new post series I want to start doing. It’s like
a mixture of Reloading and Majestic 12, and we’re calling it Highlights. Unlike a full review, I’m
just going over moments of a particular game, movie, book, show, or comic that
stand out to me. These are moments that are fun, memorable, weird, interesting,
or have some significance to me and why. And it’s listed out, but we won’t have
twelve different items (that’d be too much).
To kick things off with the inaugural episode and to get
ready for Avengers: Age of Ultron,
let’s kick things off with Avengers:
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. You expected me to do the movie instead, didn’t
Dr. Doom,
Gamma World,
Hank Pym,
Iron Man,
Secret Invasion,
The Leader,
The Wasp,
Feb 11, 2015
BulletGanon - Amiibo Crisis 2015
Amiibos… Plastic little figures with specialized chips in
them to interact with your games. The effects they provide vary from figure to
figure and game to game. And while I really do like the idea of collecting
little figures of your favorite Nintendo icons (because, really, will there
ever be a chance for a Marth, Ness, or Villager figure after this?), I can’t
help but feel like Amiibos are ultimately a bad thing. Perhaps it’s because I’m
jaded on the fact that a Ganondorf Amiibo still doesn’t exist and, at this
rate, may likely never see the light of day. But I like to think my opinions on
Amiibo aren’t entirely based on selfish desires to own a figure of the true
dark lord of our times. #istandwithganondorf
Feb 10, 2015
Majestic Twelve - Boss Battles of Dark Souls 2
Earlier this week, we put up our review for Dark Souls 2, which you can find right HERE. Assuming you've already read the review or played the game, the following shouldn't be a surprise. Here are the top twelve bosses we had fun fighting in Dark Souls 2. If they didn't make the cut, I either managed to skip them somehow or they're in the DLC and I haven't gotten to DLC (at the time of writing). Let’s get started!
Trailers on Trial: Poltergeists Persona-Fived
Welcome back to Trailers
on Trial where we pass judgment on the snippets of film or game footage
released to build up hype. Will the game/movie of today live up to said hype or
do we even care with what we’ve been shown? Today’s defendants are the new Persona 5 trailer AND the remake of Poltergeist (2015).
Feb 9, 2015
Reloading - Dark Souls 2
It took me damn near a month to complete the game… then I
delayed posting this review a week because my schedule was entirely too full.
But I’d rather have a full schedule than delay everything constantly. So here’s
the review some of you have been waiting for… Dark Souls 2.
Feb 6, 2015
Three-Way Podcast #37 - Dicks as Multitool Confirmed
We bring up a second podcast this week in order to get us up to date with news. And you get more entertainment in one week. It's win-win! Enjoy out latest episode of the Three-Way Podcast where we talk about everything from movies to the NSA to sex in Witcher 3 to Monty Oum.
League of Legends,
monster hunter,
Monty Oum,
witcher 3,
Highlights - Red Vs Blue Reminiscing
Here’s our second new post of Highlights, a series that points out worthwhile moments in games,
shows, movies, comics, books, and more. Without further delay, let’s get into
the highlights for one of my favorite web series, Red Vs. Blue.
Feb 5, 2015
Three-Way Podcast #36 - Chin Deep in Meta
Hosted by Aaron and Nicole, we introduce the world to Ryan and Angel as they introduce us to the incredibly deep world of meta gaming.
smash bros,
Majestic Twelve - Best Fan-Made Amiibo
We talked about it on this week’s podcast and in an upcoming BulletPoints. Amiibo are annoying to a
degree, but the custom amiibo scene is actually quite incredible. So I figure,
let’s take a moment to recognize the brilliant craftsmanship and dedication it
takes to make these cheap looking Amiibo’s look like works of genuine talent. I’ll
do my best to include names. If you are the creator of an Amiibo we showcase
and you’re name was omitted, please let us know in an email ( and we’ll make
the edit as needed. Let’s get started.
Feb 4, 2015
BulletPoints - Waiting for DLC to Evolve
Have you heard of Evolve?
It’s an asymmetrical 5-player co-op/versus game in which four friends face off
against a big monster on one of several different maps. The concept itself is
cool, basically turning the Tank battles from Left 4 Dead into a full game. On top of that, the game looks
visually impressive and trailers make it seem fun to play. But why can’t I get
more excited for this game? I’m losing my shit over Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon,
GTAV for PC, and Might No 9. But, while everything about Evolve would normally flip my triggers, I’m just not entirely
bursting my pants with joy.
Feb 3, 2015
Majestic Twelve: Favorite Pokemon
Once again, we find ourselves talking about a game that can
be played competitively but our list isn’t subject simply to the rules of
competitive play. This will be the start of our best and worst lists for
POKEMON. Kicking things off, we’ll be talking about the top twelve BEST Pokemon
in the series These are just solely my opinion and not all reasons behind them
are based on competitive play but also personal preference or any
special/significant meaning beyond the stats. Because Pokemon are more than just
numbers… to me anyway. It was the first game I ever owned and beat and that’s
something special in ways that can’t be expressed with just statistics and
Trailers on Trial - Five Nights at Teddy's?
Welcome back to Trailers
on Trial (we settled on a name of sorts). Last time we discussed Fant4stic and this time we’ll be talking
about Ted 2. Oh, boy. (And something
else too).
Feb 2, 2015
Reloading - The Boy Next Door (to Michael Myers)

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