Dec 9, 2014

Majestic Twleve - Things of Interest on the XBone

I recently did a top twelve game recommendation for the Wii U. And while I made the recommendations without getting paid by anyone and did so because I think it’s a fine console people should try, I’m fully expecting some kind of reflexive response from people sooner or later about how I didn’t do a list for the PS4 or the Xbone (I refuse to call it anything else). There’s a few problems with that… 

I don’t own a PS4 or Xbone. As you may not have remembered, I don’t have extra cash on hand and I don’t yet get paid for doing this blog (damn you, Google AdSense for not working right). So I can’t do a list of game recommendations based on personal experience. Likewise, I’m the only one running the blog, so I can’t just have someone else write it and hope that solves the problem. So instead of doing a game recommendations list for either Xbone or PS4, I’ve decided to do a list of “Games I’m most Interested In” list for the respective consoles. It’s not the same, but the closest I can do with the resources I have. Today, we’ll do Xbone.

Heads up, this was intended to be a list of games exclusively for the Xbone… This became much harder than expected since some of them are on PC and the number of exclusives that AREN’T on anything else is so small that it was almost impossible for me to make a decent list of 12 games. So… yeah… this probably won’t go super well.

#12 – Dead Rising 3 – I had almost planned on not putting this on the list, but I ran out of Xbone-Only entries. Yes, I can get this on PC right now if I wanted. I just haven’t yet because… eh… haven’t felt the need to, especially when I’m waiting for certain other games to go on sale on Steam (looking at you Dark Souls 2). It’s at the bottom of the list because it’s the only game also on PC I could actually get without the issues of EA’s Origin service or Windows 8 being a problem. Otherwise… yeah… More zombie killing. Sure, why not?

#11 – Titanfall – Truth be told, I don’t have much interest in Titanfall. I like the idea of fighting in mechs and I would certainly love to play a mech-based combat game. But if I do, it’d be something more along the lines of Pacific Rim or Gundams or Evangelion where I’m in the mech all the time because why the fuck would you ever leave the safety of your mech? While I could get it for PC, I remembered the PC version of Titanfall required EA’s Origin service, I realized I wasn’t going to touch the bloody thing.

#10 – Halo: Master Chief Collection – It’s no surprise I don’t really dig Halo. The original game is kind of dull and hard for me to really enjoy over much better shooters (like Left 4 Dead or Metroid Prime). All that said, I tried the PC ports of both Halo and Halo 2. I wish I could have gotten Halo 2 to work properly but PC controls were… rough for that game to get right. And since we’re aren’t likely to get a PC port of either the later games or of the Master Chief Collection, I wouldn’t be averse to TRYING these games out. Note I didn’t say I must have them nor indeed think they’re the best thing on the console. They’d be completely unnecessary if the damn thing was backwards compatible and worth a shit.

#09 – Killer Instinct – I enjoy fighting games to an extent, but this one looks just “okay” to me. I can’t tell if it’s because most of the footage I’ve seen doesn’t look good or if the visuals really are just that bad (I’m assuming the footage). But beyond that, never played a Killer Instinct game before and I’ve been told it’s good, so I wouldn’t mind giving it a whirl. Can’t be any worse than the crap we’ve been getting from Soul Calibur in recent years.

#08 – Sunset Overdrive – I got excited by the early marketing hype for this game because it actually had cool visuals in the same style of Team Fortress 2 or Borderlands and I was hoping the gameplay would be good enough to match that. From what I’ve seen in reviews, it’s not a bad game by any means, but it isn’t the mind-blowing amazing experience I was hoping it would be (though I didn’t expect it to be the second coming of Christ or anything). So, yeah, I’m a little let down that it didn’t come close to living up to the hype that was built up for it. Not enough to say I wouldn’t try to like it, but it went from being the game that could convince me to buy the console to just being another game.

#07 – Crimson Dragon – Another launch-title game that I thought looked interesting. If for any reason, because Panzer Dragon hasn’t had a release in many years (thanks SEGA). Dragons are cool and flying around StarFox style on a dragon could only be cooler than just having the dragons there in the first place. I’d rank this higher if reviews for it didn’t say how mediocre it was (launch-title games, right?). But that doesn’t diminish the fact I want to still play a game where I ride a dragon through the skies and enjoy the ride for what it’s worth. If I get an Xbone at some point, this will certainly be something I will get (at least on the cheap).

#06 – Phantom Dust and other Unknowns – Unlike my list for the Wii U games, the “future releases” entry is ranked much lower. Why? The Wii U future releases have shown gameplay and have been in the works for years. Right now, few things (if any) look more interesting than Xenoblade Chronicles X and the future potential of that game is one of the highest. But games like Phantom Dust or Crackdown only have cinematic trailers that tell us nothing about the game. Yes, I’m interested in seeing what they’re going to do different from previous iterations of their respective franchises, but I’m not going to get excited until I see what it is I’ll actually be doing.

#05 – Rise of the Tomb Raider – Can I still badger this game for having a stupid fucking name? Because it’s literally one of the dumbest names for a game I’ve seen. Regardless, I enjoyed the Tomb Raider 2013 reboot and would be interested to see where they’ll take this series. This entry’s existence on the list is tentative because right now it’s labeled as an “exclusive” but it’s a “timed exclusive” with no real information as to when that ends or if that means it’ll show up on PC or PS4. So if it does go to those other consoles at some point, then I guess give this spot to Minecraft XBone Edition.

#04 – D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die – One of the few titles on this list to actually have interesting visual aesthetics (are wii sure this isn’t a WiiU game?) and, as always, I appreciate the point-n-click adventure game style with a twist. From what I’ve seen, the plot is silly and nonsensical like Sweary’s other work, but that doesn’t diminish the charm. In fact, I hope this game is successful enough to continue the story in future installments. I’m not going out of my way to buy an Xbone for this one game in hopes it’ll allow for more of that game to be released, but it looks good where this would be a must-buy for me when/if I get the console.

#03 – Project Spark – Not really a game, and not really an exclusive to Xbone (since it can also be obtained on PC) Project Spark is basically a game-creator on a console. This means that it’s tools are simplified that ANYONE can make a game on it and since it’s on a console, these are streamlined to be as uncomplicated as possible so that it doesn’t confuse people who aren’t tech savvy like the people who do this on computers with mods and junk. The only reason I don’t have this on PC is because I refuse to knee-cap my PC by upgrading it to Windows 8. If Windows 9 is any good, then I’ll just upgrade to that and call it a day, but I’m not holding my breath for that.

#02 – Scalebound – My recent playthrough of Bayonetta 2, Legend of Korra, and Wonderful 101 has taught me that Platinum knows their shit and put a lot of effort into their work. Scalebound existed in concept before Bayonetta and it looks like it could be a fun game. Certain articles indicate it won’t be the same level of difficulty or even the same style of game as Bayonetta, but it still looks interesting and Platinum hasn’t let me down on games yet, so I’m hoping it goes well upon release. THIS could be the game that convinces me to get an Xbone if they pull it off. But, again, dragons. Games with dragons are better than games without dragons. 

#01 – Cuphead – An indie game as number one? Sure, why not. Indie games (at least the ones that are polished up just right) on Steam are some of my favorites. And from what I’ve seen of Cuphead thus far, it looks like a lot of polish and effort have gone into making that game look like an authentic oldies cartoon in terms of graphics. Gameplay doesn’t look like anything too spectacular or new (yet), but the visual style is something that interests me and something I want to see more of if the game turns out well.

That was my, in no way controversial, list of games that (if I owned an Xbone) I would have bought or be interested in at least looking at. Sorry that I couldn’t give an actual list of recommendations, but I already explained that, so hopefully you understand. Next time, we’ll tackle the PS4’s line-up of games and see if we can get a more full list of games I actually would want to play out of that… no promises. If you like this and want to see more content like it, please be sure to like, share, and subscribe. See ya next time. 

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