Recent news came out in regards to Sakurai’s decision about
DLC after Mewtwo. While fans don’t seem to agree 100% on what he means, the
exact phrasing I’ve been told is that, “We have nothing planned as far as DLC.”
This doesn’t mean there WON’T be DLC sometime down the road. Articles generally
all seem to agree that Mewtwo is going to be Nintendo’s and Sakurai’s
experiment with DLC in Smash to see how that goes first before committing to
anything further.

And while I commend them and their reasoning for doing so
(not wanting to make people feel they cut content from the game to BE DLC), I
can safely say that the game is chalk-full of content that such a worry comes
off as nothing more than silly at this point. But still, I would like to know
that while nothing is solidly PLANNED for DLC that Sakurai at least has SOME
idea of what he might want to do for future content updates. Below are my top
twelve ideas of what I’d like to see as far as content updates/DLC goes.
Directly… to you.

#12 – New Stages – Not really necessary, but it would be
nice to have more stages to play on. The roster of stages in Smash Bros Wii U feels significantly smaller (until you consider that most/all
stages have a Final-Destination version). There is room for more stages to
appear and, furthermore, you can even bring old stages back (Brinstar Depths).
But of all the DLC ideas, this is probably the least necessary just because we
have a fine roster of stages as it is. Not to mention that, at the moment, I can't think of any interesting ideas for new stages aside from bringing back old ones that looked great, such as the Metal Battlefield from Smash 64. All that being said, the other ideas on the list are far
more interesting.

#11 – Mod Support – While something I would much rather see
than the bulk of this list, this is actually lower simply because we know how
Sakurai is. We know how Nintendo is. They don’t like people messing with their
product, even if said people aren’t making a profit off of it. It’s sad, but
that’s just how they operate. I could do a whole top twelve list on reasons why
the ability to mod games is an overall net good for the games, fans, and
industry as a whole (and probably will). But to keep it short, it allows people
to make a portfolio of work in terms of game design without the additional
hassle of making a full-game. It’s like practice, so to speak. And said
practice can help extend the life of a game YEARS beyond the base game (look at

#10 – Smash Tour Updates – More subsequent plays of Smash
Tour has made me come to realize that while it’s a fun mode to play, it does
have some flaws that will not appeal to everyone. The various types of smashes
(Battering Smash, Explosive Smash, etc) have their item spawn rates set WAY too
high (and Galiga Smash is terrible). Not to mention the inability to pick which
fighter you want to use before each match is kind of a problem. I get the idea
is to promote using new fighters and getting used to them, but that’s difficult
to do in matches with crap items spawning too much. You should at least be able
to pick your fighters because there’s still a risk of losing them and leaving
you with ones you weren’t as excited to play with anyway. Again, not a bad
mode, but some tweaks are certainly needed to let it really shine.

#09 – Additional Stage Bosses – I like Ridley’s addition to
Smash (even if I wanted to fight AS him). I like Metal-Face’s addition to
smash. Even Yellow Devil is cool (on the WiiU version at least). But you know
who’s missing? Dr. Robotnik as a Sonic stage boss. Whispy Woods as a Kirby
stage boss. Even Petey Piranha or King Boo would have been nice to see as a
stage boss. Yes, an additional option to fight with or without a boss on a
stage would be good, but more bosses in general should be done too. Speaking of

#08 – Additional Game Modes – While the modes we have are
great, Target Blast isn’t anywhere near as good as “Break the Targets” and I
want that mode back. Same goes to Race to the Finish and Board the Platforms.
Even the return of the “Boss Battles” would be cool and certainly be a welcome
addition when you can put in new bosses to boot. And new modes in addition to
that would be built to add even more life to the game.

#07 – More Custom Stage Options – The biggest downgrade from
Brawl was the stage editor. It lacks
a lot of the unique items from the original game, building a stage is an easier
task, but it’s harder to make anything that really feels or looks as good as
anything the
Brawl Stage Editor could
do. Even the lack of things to put in a stage is depressing (no falling blocks,
ice blocks, spikes, or rotating-platform-wheel). DLC addition more options for
stage builder would be more than welcome.

#06 – Campaign Mode – I know we have “additional modes”
already, but an actual Campaign Mode is something a little different as it
requires a little more effort to cobble together. I’m not necessarily asking
for something as big and elaborate as Brawl’s
SubSpace Emissary, but I would like something with a little more meat than Melee’s Adventure Mode. Not that either
one of those were altogether bad, but Adventure Mode got old after subsequent
playthroughs and SubSpace Emissary just
got old because it was so repetitive. I get why Campaign mode isn’t in the main
game, because Sakurai didn’t like the internet leaking the cutscenes online. To
that, I say, I get the annoyance, but it’s something you have to basically
accept since there’s really no way around that.

#05 – Custom Fighter Moves – I appear to be in the minority
when it comes to the custom fighters being the best thing in the game. Fine.
But I’m still going to harp on about how they should have been given more focus
or attention because they are the best aspect of the game, adding more hours of
play time to both unlocking and experimenting with them. To hell with the game
balance, I want my Ganondorf to be faster to keep up with the pack. That said,
two alternate moves per character is fine, but more options would be fun. Sure,
ridiculous, but since you won’t allow these characters online anyway, you don’t
have to worry about stupid issues like balancing them out perfectly.
Alternatively, I guess you COULD provide online support for the custom
characters and then I would probably stop complaining about this.

#04 – Mii Fighter Options – Again, I feel like I’m in the
minority here, but whatever. I like the options of swords, arm-cannons, and
fists but I want more options for how a Mii Fighter fights. Why can’t we have a
Hammer Mii? A Crossbow Mii? A Bo-Staff Mii? And why are the outfits in such a
small quantity, but we have a fuck-ton of different hats? I’m not hating on the
Mii Fighter, I think it’s a good start. But that’s all it is, a good
start. There’s lots of room and
potential for more to be done and these kinds of options would go a long way from
making each Mii Fighter a person makes feel more unique. (Also, Scythe Mii).

#03 – Character Skins – If there’s any one thing we should
have learned from
Brawl-Mods, it’s
that Characters Skins are not all that difficult so long as you don’t get
ridiculously complex and stupid with them. Not to mention the ability to have
other character as alternate costumes of existing characters makes matches more
entertaining and fun. Would you rather play a match as Old-Man-Style Ganondorf
or as Nightmare from Soul Calibur over Ganondorf? Would you rather play as a
slightly darker version of Sonic or as Shadow the Hedgehog? Would you rather
play as a different pattern of Duck Hunt or would you rather just have Banjo
Kazooie? This is how Lucina, Dr. Mario, and Dark Pit (especially) should have
been done and I think this could be a fun way to vary up matches as the game
goes on.

#02 – Veteran Characters – This is fairly obvious, right? We
have Mewtwo making his comeback in spring. We have Dr. Mario back already. DLC to
bring back Snake or even Ice Climbers (in the WiiU Version at least) would be
great. Bring back Wolf too while you’re at it. I get the notion that you don’t
want to put up DLC that makes it look like you’re just selling us cut-content…
but whose fault is it the content was cut in the first place? All joking aside,
fact is, Smash Bros WiiU does feel like a full game with lots of content. Bringing
back old favorite characters isn’t going to hurt your game’s image by any means
Sakurai, but help it. People who feel shafted at the loss of a favorite
character will be happy, it’ll add even more diversity to the roster, and (like
all DLC) can help extend the life of the game.

#01 – NEW CHARACTERS – Again, not a hard option to figure
out. More fighters, the better. Again, with the same logic above, the idea
isn’t to provide content to a content-weak game, but to extend the life of a
content rich game WELL beyond the years it’s expected to live anyway. And new
characters to learn every so many months would go a long way. Ideas to include?
Travis Touchdown from
No More Heroes,
Simon Belmont from
Castlevania, Ray
Custom Robo, one of several Assist Trophies would make great
characters, and… hm… I had a name that made perfect sense… she’s a more than
capable fighter… a new Nintendo exclusive character/game. And from a game that
could use the boost in attention through Smash to help make her game get more
notice… geez… what was her name again… Mayonetta? Clayonetta? Gayonetta? No…
that isn’t right. I’m sure there is already an image that basically spells out
my idea and exposing this joke for what it is, so I won’t keep going.
Those are my top twelve ideas for Smash Bros DLC. If you are
Sakurai and want further help on these ideas, feel free to contact me at Alternatively,
if you’re just here to read the content and liked what you say, please be sure
to like, subscribe, and share this with as many people as possible. See ya next
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