The Majestic Twelve returns with another top 12 list. Last
week we concluded out celebration of all things Smash Bros (for now). So let’s kick things over to celebrate the
new Fall Premier season. There are a lot of interesting shows this year (or
starting early next year) that we’re all excited for. Here are twelve that
we’re looking forward to most. Some of these are new, and some are returning so
we get a nice mix of both.
#12 – Once Upon a Time – Nearing the bottom of my list for a
variety of reasons, OUaT is a show I love and hate at the same time. Bringing a
cute and fun premise to the world with fairy-tale characters co-existing in a
shared universe (like the Marvel heroes) we mix in a mystery and some magic and
you have
Once Upon a Time. The bad
news is while the concept was fun and interesting at a time, I feel the series
has mostly run its course. Last season tried to introduce the
Wizard of Oz and the witch from said
story to the world of OUaT, but I didn’t really like it too much given it
revived characters we thought were dead and I stopped watching about halfway
through the season. The new season is bringing in Elsa and Anna from
Frozen and while I see potential for
this to be interesting, I’m going to sit on the fence and see how it plays out
first. I liked
Frozen, but I might
have cooled down a bit since I’ve seen it… though it doesn’t help
Let it Go is played in so many places
that a song I once liked has gotten stale really fast.
#11 – Always Sunny in Philadelphia – There’s not much to say
here. I like the kind of comedy Always
Sunny brings to the table, crude or not. I still haven’t caught up on the
series as NetFlix hasn’t put up the newer seasons yet and I have a hard time
finding good links online. But more Sunny
is always good and I’m looking forward to more laughs.
#10 – Sons of Anarchy
– A series I’m only kind of in right now, having only seen a handful of
episodes. I like it thus far and want to see where it goes. From what I hear,
this is their last season coming up, meaning once it’s done, I can catch up and
watch EVERYTHING without pause. Given everything I’ve heard from friends about
this show, I can’t wait.

#09 – Walking Dead
– You know that I love the Telltale games more than the show, but Walking Dead is still a fun show to
watch (sometimes). Last season was bitterly hated (by me) for its first half
being slow, stale, and retreading ground it already had in season three with
the Governor by… bringing back the Governor for another pointless fight. But
that ended and the second half of the season was arguably my favorite bit of Walking Dead in recent memory other than
the early bits of season one. Now that things are moving again and we’re
dealing with what are likely cannibals in Terminus, I’m actually excited about
more Walking Dead on TV and I haven’t
been able to say that for a really long time.

#08 –Modern Family
– Another comedy, thus not much to say. I feel the show only gets better as it
goes on and we see the kids grow from awkward children to young adults. Haley
surprised me last season with how much she has changed since season one (in a
lot of small, but good ways). While this show continues to be one of the best
ensemble casts in recent years on TV, it’s safe to say it’s also one of the
best comedies on TV right now with very few other ones even getting my attention
with bad titles or horrible sounded premises. The only other show that can
contend for the title of “best comedy” at this point (for me) is likely Community, which won’t be making this
list until I know when Yahoo is planning to give me more of my beloved Community-crack.

#07 – The Simpsons
– Since I started college, I’ve found it much harder to keep up with the
episodes. You know, responsibilities and all that. But this new season is
shaping up to have interesting things happen, including TWO cross-overs with
other animated shows (Family Guy and Futurama) . And with another cast member
now gone (the voice of Edna Krabopple), I have to wonder how they’ll fill that
void in the show now since she was Flanders’ fiancé and Bart’s teacher of over
20 years. Think what you will about the show in recent years, it still holds a
special place for me and it’s something I can keep coming back to time and
#06 – American Horror
Story: Freakshow – Still need to see their witches season from last year,
American Horror Story is right
Walking Dead as a bizarre new
genre to hit TV in recent years that no one expected to get as popular as it
is. Horror has taken the world by storm and few have done so with the same
level of quality and skill as
And their format of a new mini-story and theme each season keeps the show and
the horror fresh so we don’t grow tired of the same old tricks and tropes
season to season and getting familiar with the monsters and boogeymen. Keep up
the work, guys. It’s still brilliant.
#05 – Agents of SHIELD
– Back for a second season, I’m really interesting to see how
Agents will shape up from last season
and use everything they’ve learned to make future episodes better. It took
half-a-season for the show to find its footing and start standing up on its own
without relying too heavily on the MCU. With that in mind,
Agents is looking to basically rebuild the SHIELD organization from
the ground up and how it does so will be the question. We also have some cast
changes and new characters in the future and I’d like to see what Marvel heroes
and villains will be making appearances. I might have been too kind to season
one, but I think season two will be where
shines and becomes a bigger hit than ever before.
#04 – Gotham – I
hate putting DC over Marvel, but if there’s any one thing DC has that can
“legitimately” compete with Marvel at the moment… it’s Batman.
Gotham is much to Batman what
Smallville was to Superman, a show about
their life growing up into the roles they take on as a response to the life
they’ve led… and also named after said cities where they grew up, ironically.
Gotham aims to introduce us to the
villains and heroes before they ever become the villains and heroes we’re
familiar with such as Penguin, Ivy, and Riddler. I don’t know much about the
show beyond that but if they can deliver on some pre-Scarecrow Scarecrow, then
I’m all about it because nothing is better than a well-done Scarecrow.
#03 – The Flash –
Again, while I’m a Marvel guy, DC has always had ONE character that I
personally loved better than almost any superhero, The Flash. The TV show aims
to bring DC’s colorful and upbeat hero to the small screens this fall with an
origin story and high-speed action the likes of which we probably haven’t seen
yet. My expectations are low given this is a spin-off of
Arrow and I don’t trust the dark-and-brooding DC to make someone
the Flash right. But we’ll find
out soon and my fingers are crossed this is the one time DC doesn’t cock shit
#02 – Legend of Korra
Book 4: Balance – I wouldn’t have put this on the list if not for the fact
season four WILL BE AIRING JUST OVER A MONTH after season three ended. This
will be
Legend of Korra’s final
season and while that’ll be disappointing to know we won’t get more after this,
I hope that the creators will have put everything into it they can to make it
the best season yet. There’s a lot of aftermath to deal with from season three
and I can only imagine just how dark they’ll take it this time around. My
biggest hope is that this isn’t the end for the
Avatar universe… but knowing Nickelodeon… they’ll cock shit up.
#01 – Better Call Saul
– Based off the BEST TV SERIES EVER,
Bad spin-off,
Better Call Saul,
focuses its energy and attention on the second best character from the original
show… Saul Goodman. This lawyer reminded me of a more competent version of
Lionel Hutz from
Simpsons (back when
Phil Hartman was still alive), and I always loved that kind of character. An
over-the-top-sleazy lawyer that plays on all the tropes as hard as possible.
Saul was a genius at dodging the law in just the right way to keep Walt and
Jessie out of jail and I’m looking forward to the stupid misadventures he’ll
have in helping other criminals in their misdeeds as well.
Those are the top twelve shows I’m most excited to see
coming back or premiering for the first time this upcoming 2014-2015 season.
While I’m fully expecting certain publishers like WB or Nickelodeon to cock
shit up, I’m cautiously optimistic this will be one of the better years for
television in quite a long buggering time. See ya next time.
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