Halloween is almost here and what better way to get excited
for the scariest and best holiday of the year than by talking about the
scariest locations in video games. Since, obviously, I haven’t played them all,
these will be the scariest locations in games I have played. If you think you
have scarier locations, please go ahead and let us know in the comments.
#12 – Luigi’s Mansion – Not really scary, but more of the Ghostbusters level of spooky, Luigi’s Mansion is just what you’d
expect. Luigi inherits a mansion filled with ghosts. You spend the whole game
trying to clear them out and some of their stories are kind of spooky. But
given the target audience for the game, they had to tone down the terror a bit.
Regardless, a mansion filled with ghosts is still a mansion filled with ghosts
and that’s worth something. Plus it has to be scary to some degree since Luigi
is constantly whining like a baby and freaking out at every little thing.

#10 – Mansion from Eternal Darkness – You see a lot of
creepy locations in Eternal Darkness,
but when you consider the fact it all takes place in the mansion (as Alex reads
the tome) it makes the mansion all the creepier. Not to mention the various
in-game visual tricks that play around with you when your sanity is low. At
first the mansion just seems ominous. But as you continue playing, monsters
will appear (for reals) and you find what was thought to be an abandoned city
of horrors below your mansion. Why not ranked higher? You get a fairly good
assortment of magic and weapons to handle these creatures, so it isn’t all bad.
#09 – Ocarina of Time Forest and Shadow Temples – As much as
I hate to say it, Ocarina of Time has one thing Majora’s Mask doesn’t. While MM
is creepy throughout the experience, there’s never one moment in the game where
I’m genuinely freaked out by what’s happening. But OoT features not just one, but TWO dungeons that can be considered
nightmare-fuel. The Forest temple is home to spiders, wolf-men-monsters, and of
course the dreaded Wallmasters. Giant floating hands that will appear and drag
you away into the darkness if you stand around too long. The Shadow temple,
likewise, is filled with zombies, skeletons, and various illusions to get you
turned around and lost in its walls as long as possible. Plus, invisible traps.
The one game where you really do have to look out for those.
#08 – Slender Forest – Rated lower on this list because as
creepy as it is to be chased by anyone in the forest… I just don’t find Slender
Man to be that scary. The forest itself is pretty spooky, but it’s also hard to
really see what’s going on which makes capturing video a pain in the ass. Have
to turn that brightness up in the video just to see what the player is looking
at. The explosion of Slender-videos also kind of contributes to the loss of
scariness in this character and forest. You’ve seen him once. You’ve seen him
twice. Eventually you see Slender enough times and you are just kind of used to
it. Nothing ruins scary like over exposure.
#07 – Outlast Asylum – This would have been higher on the
list, but I dropped it a few spots for very valid reasons. First, the enemies
you face here are very much human (or mostly human) and humans aren’t as scary
as otherworldly monsters and ghosts. Plus the game seems to push the
gore-scare-factor more than the psychological scare factor. In short, it’s more
about shocking you than it is about unsettling you. Granted, the unsettling
horror of mental patients running amok and seeing dismembered corpses scattered
about is still quite terrifying. It also feels offensive to those who actually
reside in mental institutions and asylums, given that this kind of shit doesn’t
normally happen and for as weird as the people in these places can be, most of
them aren’t this level of psychotic and deranged. Key words- most of them.
#06 – Lavender Town – Pokemon’s biggest claim to fame, if
you ask me, is Lavender Town and their Lavender Tower. It’s a big spire that’s
nothing more than a Pokemon graveyard. It’s also haunted by the legit ghost of
Cubone’s dead mother (killed by Team Rocket, no less). During the events of the
game, you must calm the spirit down and then defeat Team Rocket, but you must
fight an line-up of mediums who are possessed by spirits as well as the ghost
Pokemon that inhabit the tower. While Pokemon themselves aren’t scary, a lot of
the creepiest lore surrounds this town and this city. Plus that Lavender Town
music is some of the most unsettling stuff ever. Sound direction people… good
sound direction is all that’s needed to make something normal come off as
creepy as shit.
#4 – Metro Tunnels in Fallout 3 – I guess any Fallout game has these, but Fallout 3 is currently the only one I’ve
played since the first two have trouble running on my machine (for some
reason). The Metro Tunnels aren’t paralyzing with fear, but it’s a constant
state of worry or panic when you’re traversing the dark and maze-like tunnels.
You’re constantly on the lookout for Feral Ghouls, Raiders, Fire Ants (those
things suck), or other creatures that took to the safety of the tunnels to
escape the radiation of the Wastelands. On top of the creatures, you’ll likely
also find traps and radioactive waste down there too. It beats dealing with
super mutants… but still isn’t fun.
#3 – Apartment Complex in Lone Survivor – I think what makes
this scariest is that there’s a lack of knowledge as to what’s actually taking
place here for the longest time. Weird things are happening, dead things are
walking around, and the hero doesn’t seem all that reliable in explaining the
situation either. And the worst part is you’re all alone with no one else to
help you or make sense of what’s taking place. Armed with little ammunition and
few supplies for survival, finding you where you need to go and what you need
to do is excruciatingly difficult and terrifying.
#1 – Silent Hill – Despite the number of times we’ve been
forced to go here, Silent Hill is still one of the scariest places in the world
(real or otherwise). Taking the various mental and psychological aspects of
those who enter and making it a personalized nightmare experience for anyone
who visits. This wasn’t better exemplified than when James Sunderland took a
stroll there in Silent Hill 2 to deal
with the loss of his wife and his pent-up sexual frustrating that resulted from
that. Granted, more recent games haven’t followed the formula of what Silent
Hill is and how it’s supposed to work. But here’s hoping Kojima and Del Torro
will get it right with the upcoming Silent
Hills… which presumably will just be a larger town or a town surrounded by
more hills.
Those are my twelve scariest locations in gaming. Tune in again again for more horror themed goodness as the month continues. Also, tomorrow, let's get a review out. How about that? See ya next time!
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