Last time we did zombie-games. And since I haven’t seen
enough zombie movies to make a top 12 for that… what if we just do horror in
general since we’re almost to Halloween? What are the best horror movies? Also,
Happy Halloween!
#12 – Cabin in the Woods – Okay, yes, this isn’t technically
horror, but a subversion of horror films. It’s only really scary for probably
the first half of the film (if that) and then it flips the table into something
else entirely, but it’s still vastly entertaining. But I really like it and
IMDB insists it’s a horror film, so I’m including it on the list, like it or
not. For me, it’s really just a fascinating and comical breakdown of horror
films as a whole, but in an intelligent way that makes you think instead of
just going for the cheap laughs like the Scary
Movie franchise or, arguably even
the Scream franchise. We probably
won’t have another film like it for a long time (if ever) but if you aren’t big
on the horror genre, this is probably the one film on here I could recommend
you’ll walk away from and not get nightmares… probably.
#11 – Psycho – First of the actual-horror-genre (as we know it now) and it comes
from one of the best, Alfred Hitchcock. This film is a classic, though it’s
obviously quite dated. Hell, when this film launched, the seemingly naked woman
(though you can’t see anything) and the sound of a toilet flushing were
considered controversial. Things that, now in 2014, you see on TV probably
every night during primetime. That aside, it’s psychologically deep with one of
the biggest twists in Hollywood (at least at the time) and no other film really
has done anything quite to that level. It’s real claim to fame are all the
various Hitchcock-auteur markings the film has and his distinct visual style.
Arguably one of his best and most solid works.
#10 – The Crazies – Borrowing ideas from your standard
infected-style zombie outbreak, crazies is basically your Left 4 Dead or 28 Days Later
scenario on a small farm in the midst of nowhere. The residents of the town
grow hostile and crazy and begin murdering and killing each other. Though I
don’t recall any actual biting or eating, meaning it isn’t a true zombie
outbreak. And for those wondering why 28
Days Later isn’t on the list… I haven’t seen it yet. I know… I’m horrible. But hey, filmed in Iowa. #StatePride.
#09 – The Thing – Wait… do we mean The Thing from Outer Space? Or the “sequel/remake” by Jon Carpenter
in 1982 simply called The Thing? Or,
dare I say, the 2011 “prequel/remake” by Matthijs van Heijningen which is also called The Thing but omitting the obvious subtitle “Again”. And this is
why I stopped playing Mortal Kombat games
when they decided to reboot with the same name over and over again. Honestly,
all three are horror classics and you really can’t go wrong with any of them.
While the 2011 reboot/remake/prequel has better effects, it lacks the subtly
and pacing of the 1982 “original”. But what about the original-original? Fuck
it. Never saw that one.
#08 – The Grudge – Much like, The Thing, The Grudge
also has similar name issues. There’s the original Japanese release, Ju-On: The Grudge, which is probably the
scariest of the lot (as well as the best). There’s the American re-release
simply titled The Grudge. There’s
also one sequel and I think even a fourth film. Regardless, these movies are
certainly creepy and worth a look. What adds to the level of horror (at least
in the original film) is the sense of other-worldly-ness that foreign horror
stories have on different audiences. There’s an alien-like bizarreness to some
of the ways the story is told and how it is presented that makes it even more
terrifying. Though the re-release had that once scene where the ghost-girl is
crawling down the stairs and I thought it looked more hilariously stupid than
scary. But for the rest of the film, the ghost girl and child are oppressively creepy and you suddenly understand why modern-day Japanese men might not want to get hitched and have a family at the moment.

#04 – Splice – One of the best horror-monster movies you could
ever ask for. Two scientists looking to create a creature for good end up
making something creepy, possibly evil, and definitely rape-happy. The little
devil they make looks similar to Mewtwo, which I just awesome. But back to the
rape-happy thing. The creature (a human mixed with other DNA of other creatures
like, for example, frogs) becomes sexually interested in the male lead and
forces herself on her (to which he pretends to be powerless to stop). But
because of the frog DNA, the creature is capable of changing genders
(presumably at will) and takes on a male form which forces itself on the
female-lead and becomes hostile to the male-lead. This film is definitely
creepy and is one of those “science-gone-wrong” flicks. But when the rape isn’t
happening, it’s genuinely interesting in terms of acting, special effects, and
plot ideas.
#02 – Alien - This has a lot of what I ask for in a movie. Its
horror is genuinely creepy. It’s filled with paranoia and everyone is in a
constantly frantic state, meaning you don’t know who you can really trust, even
the protagonist. Wait… didn’t we already do this one? IT ALSO HAS AN ALIEN AND
IT’S IN SPACE! Yes, Alien is, by and
large, one of the best horror films you could ask for with a large, mostly
unseen monster skulking about a ship drifting in space as it picks off the crew
one at a time. It’s also the film that kick started a franchise… that’s kind of
plummeted into the ground for a while. It did bounce back recently with Alien Isolation, that new survival
horror game based off this movie for the most part. Maybe I’ll have to check it
out. But for now… Alien the movie is
still one of the best horror experiences you could ask for except for…
#01 – The Mist – I know what you’re thinking. Choosing a
Stephen-King-inspired movie for number one is like picking Super Mario Bros for best video game. It seems like a very safe
choice. But what makes The Mist so
good is a mixture of horror-obscuring mist, hiding the monsters, lowering the
visual effects budget. But doing that also means you don’t see the monsters as
much, allowing the audience to imagine what horrors lie beyond the mist. It
also has some terrifying human drama when a cult basically forms within the
supermarket that sends the hero and his family out into the dangers of the mist
for not giving into their crazy new way of life. But what puts this film in the
top spot is the ending of the film. Spoilers… things do not end well for our
main hero. I won’t say what happens, but fun fact: The ending to the film is
different than the ending of the book. Even though they end differently,
Stephen King actually gave his approval saying the ending to the movie was
better than that of the book. That’s something you don’t here often. So
consider that another endorsement for why you should give The Mist a look.
That’s all for the best horror that films have to offer. The
horror is done here on the E-Vac Station Blog. But tune in for more as we try
to get back on our regular schedule. Coming soon… a follow up to our “Gamersgate”
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