An obligatory post about the nightmare of the internet that has been "gamersgate".
While the term “gamersgate” is relatively new, it’s honestly
been around for a while, or at least the people behind it with this
anti-feminist mentality. How long? I can’t say, but they didn’t become
obnoxiously vocal until a feminist media critic named Anita Sarkeesian started
a kickstarter which would be the funding towards video-game based videos.
Though, when I say “media critic” I suppose that isn’t entirely accurate.
Critics get paid by an outlet to tell you if you should purchase a product or
not. And that’s not her goal. Hers is more of an educational approach that
simply points out obvious tropes in games without offering suggestions or
delving all that deep into the problems beyond surface level examination.
At the beginning of the kickstarter, Anita was basically a
nobody (like most people on youtube who have videos). You only really get big by
doing something controversial or if your video featured insanely cute things
like cats, babies, or pandas (and as far as I can tell, she never really had
that). The kickstarter for Tropes of Women in Games started and that got
attention from the pre-gamersgate people. They didn’t like it. They were
worried their games would be taken away or changed because someone who wasn’t
an authority on games had an opinion. So they lashed out, but it was worse that
you’d initially expect. Death threats, insults about her religion or sex, or
outright rape threats were suddenly flooding her inbox and raining upon her
non-stop. She had to disable comments on videos and stop conversation between
her and legitimate debaters because of the harassment she was receiving.
Because someone wanted to express opinions on the internet
about videogames.
As a result of the hate-train, her story got attention of
various media outlets online. Mostly just game-enthusiast sites like Escapist,
Destructoid, Polygon, Kotaku, etc. This attention, in turn, funded the
kickstarter WELL beyond its needed goals, likely because the story of all the
harassment she was receiving was well beyond what she deserved. It created
sympathy for her. As such the people who would eventually grow into “gamersgate”
failed. They lost their fight to silence someone. But worse, they are the ones
responsible for her getting a larger audience and a bigger platform to talk
from. They made her BIGGER than she or ANYONE else could have expected. And yet
they still continue to fight on in gamersgate despite this… and it only gets
A year passes and she finally starts releasing videos. Like
I said, they’re competent, but bland and don’t do much delving into material or
exploration beyond simply pointing out the meme and saying its bad. Good points
are sometimes had, but the quality of said videos aren’t important. What is
important is the hate never stopped. During this time these same gamersgate
people would go on to harass various game critics, game devs, and games
journalist to a point where some of these people have left the industry because
either they’re just tired of dealing with it or because the threats got
legitimate. But what good has ever come of excluding people and chasing people
away? Did segregation make America better when we had colored bathrooms,
schools, and seats on the bus? NO! No it didn’t. And that same kind of attitude
towards women or minorities in games won’t make gaming better either.
A few months ago, Sarkeesian was receiving more threats
again, as per usual at this point. But with personal information about her
location, her family, and other loved ones. She had to contact police and leave
her home. I repeat, she had to leave the presumed safety of her home because
people on the internet were mad she had a differing opinion on video games. I
just want everyone to read that again and just think of the pure lunacy of the
situation. Because, no matter who you are, unless you’re an evil Hitler-like
figure, you should be able to feel safe in the comfort of your own home,
regardless of profession or people disagreeing with you.
But then, recently, Sarkeesian decided to do a public
speaking event at a university. But this was canceled due to a school-shooting
threat complete with explosives and anti-feminist propaganda. And, because of
the rules of the city/state, the police were not allowed to interfere or search
students at the event for firearms. The event, obviously, was canceled because
not only was her life in danger, but the lives of various students and faculty
who had no stake in this personal war against Anita Sarkeesian. But here’s the
silliest thing about this recent event. Again, it was another attempt to
silence Anita and the feminists but it backfired horribly. Post-threat and cancelation,
Anita has been given spots on NATIONAL TELEVISION where she explains (briefly)
what’s happened and why she thinks it’s happening to people ALL AROUND THE
NATION. And, newsflash, this is news about the gaming community that is now
reaching audiences it never had before, the non-gamers.
To me, while gamersgate will continue to stupidly exist and
fight a losing fight, fact is, they’ve lost and in more ways than one.
Because of their actions, they’ve turned Anita Sarkeesian from an internet nobody
now into a Nationally-wide known feminist who is under attack on a regular
basis. Because of their actions, she has more sympathy and support than she
EVER could have anticipated when this shitstorm first started. And because of
all of these attacks, gamer’s as a whole, look like monsters all over again.
Yes, the people attacking Anita are a minority (a small, but vocal minority)
but the media outside of gaming press doesn’t know that. Non-gamers don’t know
that. As far as they’re concerned at this point, gamers are attacking Anita,
feminism, criticism, and being outright hostile towards anyone who isn’t a

I’m going to stop here because this will segway into my next
big discussion which will be the next “Reloading” post to come up in regards to
how the mediums of film, TV, and games have been changing and will possible be
something different within the next two to three years. But that’s for next
time. For now, let me just end with this:
People of gamersgate, I’m not a Sarkeesian supporter. I’m
not one of your hated Social-Justice-Warriors. I’m just a guy who likes to play
games. But I don’t want to play some white-grizzled-haired-military-bro every
time, rarely do I ever. I play as women, kids, hedgehogs, golems, Hispanics,
Bruce Wayne, robots, foxes, zombies, and whatever the fuck Kirby is. I want
games to be more than just the same thing every time because that’s hard-earned
money I’m spending for hours of entertainment, so it might as well be something
worth that money to me. And I want gaming to be something everyone can enjoy.
Not just because I believe in equality, but because I want to be able to share
a hobby I love an enjoy with future significant others, future kids, family,
and new friends who may not be into gaming. But if the culture is gross and
hostile like you want it, then I won’t do it and then I have to sit alone while
I play my games and I don’t want that either. If you love something, if you
really love gaming like you claim to, then you should be the ones asking for it
to change and grow the most. You should be asking more of it and not just
wallowing in the crap of yester-year.
Unless of course you are, secretly, Sarkeesian supporters
who are making yourselves into this monstrous villain in order to push her
agenda forward… But that means I have to give you guys some credibility for
having thought of genius plan such as that. And I really don’t think that’s the
case because, again, you’ve so far shown nothing but short-sightedness,
narrow-mindedness, and show complete disregard for the very thing you claim
your fighting to protect (games). That’s all for me this week… good day.
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